Can't delete a file? Easily find which process has a file ...

Filelockingisamechanismthatrestrictsaccesstoacomputerfile,ortoaregionofafile,byallowingonlyoneuserorprocesstomodifyordeleteit ...,Filelockingisafeaturethatpreventsafilefrombeingedited.Thisallowsteamsandcollaboratorstocoordinatewhoiseditingafilean...。參考影片的文章的如下:


File locking

File locking is a mechanism that restricts access to a computer file, or to a region of a file, by allowing only one user or process to modify or delete it ...

How to Lock or Unlock a Dropbox File

File locking is a feature that prevents a file from being edited. This allows teams and collaborators to coordinate who is editing a file and avoid conflicted ...

LockHunter is a free 6432 bit tool to delete files blocked by any ...

Shows processes locking a file or folder; Gives you detailed information on the process; Allows to unlock, delete, copy or rename a locked file; Can delete ... Download LockHunter · Support · Crystal Rich Ltd | About Us

Find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows

Windows 10 (and I guess as early as Windows 7) has a program called Resource Monitor, which lets you see what processes are locking a file or folder.

免費軟體下載: LockHunter 3.4.3 - 刪除刪不掉的檔案

解除檔案鎖定- LockHunter,支援32及64位元Windows作業系統,能夠幫你解決常常遇到被作業系統鎖定而無法刪除檔案的窘境,它的使用方法很簡單:右鍵按被鎖定的 ...

What is file locking?

File locking is a mechanism that prevents multiple users from editing a file at the same time. It creates a temporary “reservation” on your document, ensuring ...

What Is File Locking?

File locking is a data management feature that allows only one user or process access to a file at any given time. It restricts other users ...

How has show what processapplication is locking the file not been ...

Most of the time, IOBit Unlocker completely failed to unlock all locked files, folders and subfolders whenever Windows 10 mysteriously chose to lock them.

What's Locking all my Files and How to Stop It!?

File Locksmith is a Microsoft Power Toy that allows users to identify what processes are accessing specific files so you can close them ...

Determining the Process Locking a File

If you cannot find what locks your files, it is best to double-check the situation with a Process Explorer. Process Explorer seems to provide a bit more ...


Filelockingisamechanismthatrestrictsaccesstoacomputerfile,ortoaregionofafile,byallowingonlyoneuserorprocesstomodifyordeleteit ...,Filelockingisafeaturethatpreventsafilefrombeingedited.Thisallowsteamsandcollaboratorstocoordinatewhoiseditingafileandavoidconflicted ...,Showsprocesseslockingafileorfolder;Givesyoudetailedinformationontheprocess;Allowstounlock,delete,copyorrenamealockedfile;Candelet...

LockHunter 3.0.2 - 解除被鎖定的檔案與資料夾

LockHunter 3.0.2 - 解除被鎖定的檔案與資料夾
